  Greetings From Jim and Mike
About The DJ Guys
Music Reviews
























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Hello Everyone and welcome to the DJ Guys home on the Web!

We're Jim Brown and Mike Hall. We are two of the resident DJ's for the Derby City Bop Association, a dance club dedicated to the preservation of Bop, Shag, Swing, and Jitterbug dance and the Rhythm & Blues, Beach, Beach Bop, and Swing style music associated with these dance styles.

We've both been DJ's for many years and specialize in Rhythm and Blues, Shag, Bop, Beach, Beach Bop, and Swing  style dance music. We play regularly at Derby City Bop weekly dances as well as all Derby City Bop private dances. We are available to play at your dance parties. If you'd like to consider some new DJ faces at your next event, email us at:

We will be featuring information about music, DJ'ing, equipment profiles, and anything related. We are going to publish regular music reviews where we tell you about CD's and songs. We'll tell the good as well as the bad, but from a DJ's point of view, meaning do we think it's danceable. We'll rate songs as well as the overall CD using A, B, C, D, and F with + or - .

These reviews may not be reprinted or used on your website without our express permission. You may place a link from your website to this page as long as credit is given to Jim and Mike, The DJ Guys.  All bylines and copyrights must remain with the review. Please give us your feedback and tell us how you like our reviews.

Email: ,and let us know if you enjoy these reviews. Tell us what we can do to make the reviews more helpful to you or ask us to come and play at your club event. To thwart the email spammers who collect email addresses from websites we use a graphic image for our email address. This means you'll have to type our email address rather than linking from it. We know this is less convenient and we apologize for that. Spam mail has become such an annoyance we feel this will help keep our emails legitimate. Thanks for understanding.

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Favorite Links


These are some of our favorite links!

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The weather in North Myrtle Beach, SC.

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Photo Album

Communities & Forums

We'll be placing pictures of some of our events here in the future. Check back often to see where we play. Please visit our MSN Group


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Send email to with questions or comments about this web site. To thwart the email spammers who collect email addresses from websites we use a graphic image for our email address. This means you'll have to type our email address rather than linking from it. We know this is less convenient and we apologize for that. Spam mail has become such an annoyance we feel this will help keep our emails legitimate. Thanks for understanding.

Copyright 2003, 2004, 2005, & 2006 Jim and Mike, The DJ Guys

Last modified 01/08/2006